Tiger Moth Training
Aviation School – Marsh Lane BA8 0TN Henstridge

Tiger Moth Open Day 2024 Success

Many thanks to our flying friends that taxied their aircraft over the runway to join our silver and camouflaged Tiger Moths alongside the newly completed Gipsy Moth. Thanks of course must go to Peter and Jamie Russell the photographers for such marvellous results.




We started off in fog and the sun broke through slowly to reveal the parked aircraft arranged by Paul and Chris. Their spatial awareness certainly helped.




We were also fortunate that Neil Rawlings had his long lens on his camera capturing ground shots. The winners of the formation flight, Linda and Vic, are just waiting for the runway grass to be cut and rolled before flying together.




Pete, amongst the youngest present was desperate to win a flight …. but had his name drawn for the raffle first ….and won the upmarket dark chocolate biscuits! Better luck next time!

Many Happy Landings,
Annie, Kevin and Clive


Tiger Moth Training - Aviation School

Tiger Moth Training is based at Henstridge Airfield (ex H.M.S Dipper) on the Somerset Dorset border and does exactly what its title implies.

It provides 3 restored, historic Tiger Moths, one 1930 Gipsy Moth and highly experienced instructors who are able to provide training for a wide spectrum of training needs such as tailwheel conversion, Tiger Moth conversion to basic aerobatics and formation flying.

> Henstridge Airfield Website


Experience Flights

In addition we provide flying experiences for those who wish to enjoy the thrill of flying in these iconic aircraft. Formation flights can also be arranged for two friends.

Ashes Drops

We also have clearance to provide ashes drops from our Tiger Moths over the family's selected site.

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